Error Handling

Unlike HttpClient, Flurl.Http throws on any non-2XX HTTP status by default. Here's the reasoning:

  1. Non-2XX conditions tend to be "exceptional", that is, they're not expected them under "normal" circumstances and logic flow, hence they fit the try/catch paradigm.

  2. Especially in JSON APIs, error response bodies tend to take a different shape than regular responses, and if you're using shortcuts like url.GetJsonAsync<RegularShape>(), Flurl's try/catch pattern provides a way to deserialize to something different in the catch block.

try {
    var result = await url.PostJsonAsync(poco).ReceiveJson<T>();
catch (FlurlHttpException ex) {
    var error = await ex.GetResponseJsonAsync<TError>();
    logger.Write($"Error returned from {ex.Call.Request.Url}: {error.SomeDetails}");

The Call property above is an instance of the same FlurlCall object used by event handlers, providing a wealth of details about the call. For simple logging and debugging, FlurlHttpException.Message gives you a handy summary of the error, including the URL, HTTP verb, and status code received.

FlurlHttpException also gives you a few shortcuts for deserializing the body:

Task<string> GetResponseStringAsync();
Task<T> GetResponseJsonAsync<T>();
Task<dynamic> GetResponseJsonAsync();

These are all short-hand for equivalent methods on FlurlHttpException.Call.Response, so you can go that route if you need something different, such as a stream.


Flurl.Http defines a special exception type for timeouts: FlurlHttpTimeoutException. This type inherits from FlurlHttpException, and hence will get caught in a catch (FlurlHttpException) block. But you may want to handle timeouts differently:

catch (FlurlHttpTimeoutException) {
    // handle timeout
catch (FlurlHttpException) {
    // handle error response

FlurlHttpTimeoutException has no additional properties other than those in FlurlHttpException, but because a timeout implies that no response was received, all response-related properties will always be null.

The default timeout is 100 seconds (same as HttpClient), but this can be configured at any settings level, or inline per request:

await url.WithTimeout(200).GetAsync(); // 200 seconds
await url.WithTimeout(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10)).GetAsync();

Allowing Non-2XX Responses

If you don't like the default throwing behavior, you can change it at any settings level via Settings.AllowedHttpStatusRange. This is a string based setting that accepts wildcards, so if you never want to throw, set it to *.

You can also allow non-2XX at the request level:


The pattern in the first example is fairly self-explanatory. Allowed characters include digits, commas for separators, hyphens for ranges, and wildcards x or X or *. These syntax rules are the same for Settings.AllowedHttpStatusRange, but there's one subtle behavioral difference: the request-level methods above are additive, so for example you don't have to include 2XX in the request-level pattern if it's already allowed per the settings.

Inspecting the Response Before Deserializing

If you prefer to handle non-2XX as part of the normal control flow, that's easy enough:

var response = await url

if (response.StatusCode < 300) {
    var result = await response.GetJsonAsync<T>();
    Console.WriteLine($"Success! {result}")
else if (response.StatusCode < 500) {
    var error = await response.GetJsonAsync<UserErrorData>();
    Console.WriteLine($"You did something wrong! {error}")
else {
    var error = await response.GetJsonAsync<ServerErrorData>();
    Console.WriteLine($"We did something wrong! {error}")

Here response is an instance of IFlurlResponse, which wraps (and exposes) a System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage. In addition to StatusCode, you can inspect Headers, Cookies, and get the body content in a variety of ways:

Task<T> GetJsonAsync<T>();
Task<dynamic> GetJsonAsync();
Task<IList<dynamic>> GetJsonListAsync();
Task<string> GetStringAsync();
Task<Stream> GetStreamAsync();
Task<byte[]> GetBytesAsync();