
Flurl.Http behavior is configurable via a system of hierarchical settings, each level inheriting/overriding the previous in this order:

  • FlurlHttp.GlobalSettings (static)
  • IFlurlClient.Settings
  • IFlurlRequest.Settings
  • HttpTest.Settings (configured test settings always "win")

Available properties are mostly the same at all 4 levels, with a few exceptions. Here's a complete list along with where they are and are not supported:

Property FlurlHttp (global) HttpTest IFlurlClient IFlurlRequest
Timeout x x x x
AllowedHttpStatusRange x x x x
JsonSerializer x x x x
UrlEncodedSerializer x x x x
Redirects x x x x
BeforeCall x x x x
BeforeCallAsync x x x x
AfterCall x x x x
AfterCallAsync x x x x
OnError x x x x
OnErrorAsync x x x x
OnRedirect x x x x
OnRedirectAsync x x x x
ConnectionLeaseTimeout x x x
HttpClientFactory x x x
FlurlClientFactory x

Note that only the absence of explicitly setting a value signals to inherit from up the hierarchy. null means null, not inherit. (Settings are dictionary-backed, and internally the existence of a key dictates whether to inherit, not a null/default value check.)

Configuring Settings

Settings properties are all read/write, but if you want to change multiple settings at once (atomically), you should generally do so with one of the Configure* methods, which take an Action<Settings> lambda.

Configure global defaults:

// call once at application startup
FlurlHttp.Configure(settings => ...);

You can also configure the FlurlClient that will be used to call a given URL. It is important to note that the same FlurlClient is used for all calls to the same host by default, so this will potentially affect more than just calls to the specific URL provided:

// call once at application startup
FlurlHttp.ConfigureClient(url, cli => ...);

If you're managing FlurlClients explicitly:

flurlClient.Configure(settings => ...);

Fluently configure a single request (via extension method on string, Url, or IFlurlRequest):

await url.ConfigureRequest(settings => ...).GetAsync();

Override any settings from within a test, regardless what level they're set at in the test subject:

httpTest.Configure(settings => ...);

If needed, you can revert settings at any level back to their default or inherited values:


Let's take a look at some specific settings.


(Not to be confused with .NET Core's IHttpClientFactory; they are very different things (and Flurl's came first, in case you were wondering ;))

For advanced scenarios, you can customize the way Flurl.Http constructs HttpClient and HttpMessageHandler instances. Although it is only required that your custom factory implements Flurl.Http.Configuration.IHttpClientFactory, it is recommended to inherit from DefaultHttpClientFactory and extend only as needed.

public class MyCustomHttpClientFactory : DefaultHttpClientFactory
    // override to customize how HttpClient is created/configured
    public override HttpClient CreateHttpClient(HttpMessageHandler handler);

    // override to customize how HttpMessageHandler is created/configured
    public override HttpMessageHandler CreateMessageHandler();

Register your factory globally:

FlurlHttp.Configure(settings => {
    settings.HttpClientFactory = new MyCustomHttpClientFactory();

Or (less common) on an individual FlurlClient:

var cli = new FlurlClient(BASE_URL).Configure(settings => {
    settings.HttpClientFactory = new MyCustomHttpClientFactory();

A few words of caution:

  1. Overriding CreateMessageHandler can be very useful for configuring things like proxies and client certificates, but some features that Flurl has re-implemented, such as cookies and redirects, require that the related settings on HttpClientHandler remain disabled in order to function properly. It's a best practice to call base.CreateMessageHandler() and configure/return that, rather than creating a new one yourself. If in doubt, have a look at what Flurl does by default and avoid straying farther from that implementation than necessary.

  2. A custom HttpClientFactory should be concerned only with creating these objects, not caching/reusing them. That's a concern of FlurlClientFactory.


IFlurlClientFactory defines one method, Get(Url), which is responsible for providing the IFlurlClient instance that should be used to call that Url. The default implementation uses a single cached instance of FlurlClient per combination of the URL's host/scheme/port for the lifetime of your application.

To change this behavior, you could define your own factory by implementing IFlurlClientFactory directly, but inheriting from FlurlClientFactoryBase is much easier. It allows you to define a caching strategy by returning a cache key based on the Url, without having to implement the cache itself.

public abstract class FlurlClientFactoryBase : IFlurlClientFactory
    // override to customize how FlurlClient instances are cached/reused
    protected abstract string GetCacheKey(Url url);

    // override to customize how FlurlClient is created/configured (called only as needed)
    protected virtual IFlurlClient Create(Url url);

Although the FlurlClientFactory configuration setting is only available at the global level, IFlurlClientFactory is also useful in conjunction dependency injection patterns.


Both JsonSerializer and UrlEncodedSerializer implement ISerializer, a simple interface for serializing objects to and from strings.

public interface ISerializer
    string Serialize(object obj);
    T Deserialize<T>(string s);
    T Deserialize<T>(Stream stream);

Both have a default implementation registered globally, and replacing them is possible but not common. The default JsonSerializer implementation is NewtonsoftJsonSerializer that, as you probably guessed, uses the ever popular Json.NET library. Although it's unlikely that you'd want to replace this implementation, note that its constructor takes a Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings argument, which is a nice hook for tapping into the many custom serialization settings that library offers:

FlurlHttp.Configure(settings => {
    var jsonSettings = new JsonSerializerSettings
        NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore,
        ObjectCreationHandling = ObjectCreationHandling.Replace
    settings.JsonSerializer = new NewtonsoftJsonSerializer(jsonSettings);

Event Handlers

Keeping cross-cutting concerns like logging and error handling separated from your normal logic flow often results in cleaner code. Flurl.Http provides an event model for these scenarios. BeforeCall, AfterCall, OnError, OnRedirect, and their *Async equivalents are typically defined at the global or client level, but can be defined per request if it makes sense. These settings each take an Action<HttpCall> delegate (Func<HttpCall, Task> for the async versions). FlurlCall provides rich details about the call that you can act upon:

public class FlurlCall
    public IFlurlRequest Request { get; set; }
    public HttpRequestMessage HttpRequestMessage { get; set; }
    public IFlurlResponse Response { get; set; }
    public HttpResponseMessage HttpResponseMessage { get; set; }
    public string RequestBody { get; }
    public FlurlRedirect Redirect { get; set; }
    public FlurlCall RedirectedFrom { get; set; }
    public Exception Exception { get; set; }
    public bool ExceptionHandled { get; set; }
    public DateTime StartedUtc { get; set; }
    public DateTime? EndedUtc { get; set; }
    public TimeSpan? Duration { get; }
    public bool Completed { get; }
    public bool Succeeded { get; }

Not surprisingly, response-related properties will be null in BeforeCall. AfterCall fires after both successful and failed requests. Setting ExceptionHandled to true in OnError prevents exceptions from bubbling up. Here's an example of registering a global async error handler:

private async Task HandleFlurlErrorAsync(HttpCall call) {
    await LogErrorAsync(call.Exception.Message);
    call.ExceptionHandled = true;

FlurlHttp.Configure(settings => settings.OnErrorAsync = HandleFlurlErrorAsync);


Like HttpClient, Flurl automatically follows 3XX redirects by default. But the settings and hooks exposed by Flurl offer a greater level of configurability.

FlurlHttp.Configure(settings => {
    settings.Redirects.Enabled = true; // default true
    settings.Redirects.AllowSecureToInsecure = true; // default false
    settings.Redirects.ForwardAuthorizationHeader = true; // default false
    settings.Redirects.MaxAutoRedirects = 5; // default 10 (consecutive)

You can also configure redirect behavior on a per-call basis using an event handler:

flurlClient.OnRedirect(call => {
    if (call.Redirect.Count > 5) {
        call.Redirect.Follow = false;
    else {
        log.WriteInfo($"redirecting from {call.Request.Url} to {call.Redirect.Url}");
        call.Redirect.ChangeVerbToGet = (call.Response.Status == 301);
        call.Redirect.Follow = true;

If you just need to enable/disable auto-redirect for a single call, you can do it inline:

await url.WithAutoRedirect(false).GetAsync();