HttpClient Lifetime Management

Flurl.Http is built on top of the System.Net.Http stack. If you're familiar with HttpClient, you probably already know this advice:

HttpClient is intended to be instantiated once and re-used throughout the life of an application. Especially in server applications, creating a new HttpClient instance for every request will exhaust the number of sockets available under heavy loads. This will result in SocketException errors.

Flurl.Http adheres to this guidance by default. Fluent methods like this will create an HttpClient lazily, cache it, and reuse it for every call to the same host*:

var data = await "".GetJsonAsync();

* As of 3.0, scheme and port are also part of the cache key. So for example, if you are hitting both http and https endpoints of the same host, you'll have 2 client instances that can be configured independently.

Managing Instances Explicitly

FlurlClient is a lightweight wrapper around HttpClient and is tightly bound to its lifetime. It implements IDisposable, and when disposed will also dispose HttpClient. FlurlClient includes a BaseUrl property, as well as Headers, Settings, and many of the fluent methods you may already be familiar with. Most of these properties and methods are used to set defaults that can be overridden at the request level.

You can explicitly create a FlurlClient and (optionally) configure it fluently:

var cli = new FlurlClient("")
    .Configure(settings => ...);

Fluent calls off a FlurlClient start with the Request method, which optionally takes one or more URL path segments:

await cli.Request("path", "to", "endpoint") // shortcut for Request().AppendPathSegments(...)

Using Flurl With an IoC Container

Flurl.Http is well suited for use with IoC containers and dependency injection. It provides interfaces for its core classes, most notably IFlurlClient. Here are some options for registering IFlurlClient with your container:

  1. Register IFlurlClient as a singleton. The drawback here is if your application interacts with more than one web service, you can't use stateful properties like BaseUrl or Headers or they'll likely collide.

  2. Register IFlurlClient and the services that depend on it as transients. The problem here is that the onus is now on the application to ensure the service class instances are long lived and re-used. In something like an ASP.NET application where controllers are frequently created/disposed, that's tricky, and really should be the job of the container.

  3. Register IFlurlClient as a transient and your services as singletons. This is getting closer to what you want - a single instance per web service. However, a singleton that depends on a transient is considered bad practice and some containers won't allow it.

So how do you get a single instance per web service? The answer lies with the IFlurlClientFactory interface, which exists primarily so that Flurl's instance-per-host default behavior can be overridden. This is also the ideal interface to implement an instance-per-key IoC strategy. Here's what an implementation might look like:

public class MyService : IMyService
    private readonly IFlurlClient _flurlClient;

    public MyService(IFlurlClientFactory flurlClientFac) {
        _flurlClient = flurlClientFac.Get(SERVICE_BASE_URL);
        // configure _flurlClient as needed

    public Task<Thing> GetThingAsync(int id) {
        return _flurlClient.Request("things", id).GetAsync<Thing>();

Now simply register IFlurlClientFactory as a singleton and you'll get a single FlurlClient instance for this service, regardless of how the service itself is registered.

As for the IFlurlClientFactory implementation, the default per-host implementation (DefaultFlurlClientFactory) would probably work, but it isn't perfect. Say you have services that wrap 2 versions of the same API, where the base URLs are and Since they have the same host, you'll get the same FlurlClient instance for both, which could lead to unexpected behavior.

Flurl comes with an alternative implementation that is better for this scenario: PerBaseUrlFlurlClientFactory. Rather than picking the host out of the URL you pass to Get, it uses the entire URL as the cache key. And as a bonus, it will set IFlurlClient.BaseUrl to that URL in the returned instance. So, depending on your container, the registration will look something like this:

services.AddSingleton<IFlurlClientFactory, PerBaseUrlFlurlClientFactory>();